
公共交通工具生物安全水平监测与分析 被引量:3

Monitoring and analysis of biological safety level of public transportation
摘要 目的加强公共交通职业场所生物安全水平监测,探索简便易行且实用的消毒方法。方法对公共交通工具空气环境、车体物品表面进行微生物污染采样检测,并对结果进行比较分析。结果公共交通工具细菌总数检测合格率为53.66%,车内公共物品细菌检测合格率仅达52.50%;3种不同交通工具车内空气细菌污染程度高低分别为长途客运>公交车>出租车;3类车种空气细菌总数随着乘客出行人数及时间有显著性差异(χ~2=112.933,P<0.005);公交车细菌总数检测合格率夏秋季节高于冬春季节(χ~2=25.594,P<0.005);车厢内细菌污染在人口密度(0.5人/m^2)区域时,细菌总数检测合格率公交车最高,达94.55%,明显高于出租车和长途客运(χ~2=4.695,P<0.05)。结论公共交通工具微生物污染严重,应采取消毒措施加以预防,应提高管理及乘务人员的卫生服务意识,加强公共交通工具的空气卫生质量监督,乘客在保证出行时间的情况下,应选择乘坐乘客少的大型公共交通工具通行,对预防疾病,保护人群健康是有益的。 Objective In order to strengthen the public traffic occupation places biosafety level monitoring,explore the simple and practical disinfection method. Methods On public transport air environment,body surfaces of microbial contamination sampling detection,the results were analyzed and compared. Results The total number of bacteria detection of public transport qualified rate was 53. 66%,the detection of bacteria inside the public goods qualified rate was only 52. 50%; the air bacterial contamination level of three different transport vehicles were long-distance passenger transport bus taxi;three car air total bacterial count had significant difference with the passenger travel time and the number( χ^2= 112. 933,P 0. 005); the qualified rate of total bacterial count of the bus in summer and autumn was higher than in winter and spring( X^2= 25. 594,P 0. 005); the compartment of bacterial contamination in population density( 0. 5 / m^2) region,the total number of bacteria detection qualified rate reached 94. 55%,the highest of buses were significantly higher than taxi and long-distance passenger transport( χ^2= 4. 695,P 0. 05). Conclusion Public transport are badly microbial pollution,disinfection measures should be taken to prevent,the health service consciousness of staff should be improved,the air hygienic quality supervision of public transportation passenger travel time should be strengthened,in that case,it is useful to choose a large public transport with less passengers for prevention of diseases and health protection.
出处 《中国卫生工程学》 CAS 2016年第3期201-204,共4页 Chinese Journal of Public Health Engineering
基金 吉林省卫生厅科研计划项目(项目编号:2014ZC002)
关键词 交通工具 有害因素 细菌总数 职业人群 生物安全 Transportation Harmful factor Total number of bacteria Occupational population Biological safety
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