
医院室内空气质量调研分析 被引量:1

Investigation and Analysis of Indoor Air Quality in Hospital
摘要 对不同建筑气候区域既有医院典型功能房间的热舒适性和空气中污染物浓度进行现场实地检测调研,调研结果为系统化建立既有医院室内环境评价体系提供了必要的数据支持。根据调研结果发现:我国不同建筑气候区域既有医院内各类人群对热舒适性满意率均存在一定差异;合理的通风形式对降低室内气态污染物浓度能起到明显作用;医院建筑室内外细颗粒物PM2.5存在明显相关性;有序的压力梯度及洁净的室内环境能够有效降低室内PM2.5及微生物的浓度。 The thermal comfort and air pollutant concentration of typical hospital function rooms in different building regional climates are detected on site in this paper. Research results provides necessary data support for systematic establishment of the existing hospital indoors environment evaluation system. According to the results of the investigation, it is found that there are differences of thermal comfort of satisfaction between various people in different building regional climate; it plays obvious effect of reasonable ventilation to reduce the indoor concentration of gaseous pollutants; fine particles in indoor and outdoor hospital buildings exist significant correlation; orderly pressure gradient and clean indoor environment can effectively reduce the concentration of indoor PM2.5 and microorganisms.
出处 《建筑技术开发》 2016年第6期6-9,共4页 Building Technology Development
关键词 室内空气 热舒适性 空气中污染物浓度 indoor air thermal comfort air pollutant concentration
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