The investor's order can be executed in the financial market with perfect liquidity based on traditional investment theory. Investors are mainly concerned with the inability of their investment portfolio to achieve a target return. However, the execution process is very important in the competitive securities market. If investors expect to reach a target return, they must have a suitable portfolio and low transaction cost. If the cost is larger than return, the return of investment will not reach the target, even if an optimal portfolio exists. Transaction costs refer to costs incurred atter making an investment decision. The transaction cost components consist of taxes, commissions, price appreciation, price impact, timing risk, and opportunity cost. Price impact accounts for the largest percentage of total transaction cost. Hence, it is very important to understand what key factors influence the price impact for the investors. This paper estimates the price impact cost based on the volume weight average price (VWAP), and finds a theoretical foundation of VWAP from the model proposed by Kyle (1985). Furthermore, this paper uses the data of growth enterprises market in China to estimate the price impact of investors, and analyzes the factors influencing price impact cost, including order size, spread, stock price and order imbalance. Meanwhile, this paper also describes the difference of those factors in different periods. The results show that the price impact of the small-cap share order is higher than the large-cap share for investors, even if the orders have the same size. Order size is positively associated with the price impact for middle-cap and small-cap shares, but not large-cap share. With the decreasing order size, the price impact of the orders is gradually decreasing. The order size is insignificantly positively associated with the price impact influenced by the large market value and trading volume in large-cap stocks. In addition, order imbalance and spread are significantly positively related to the price impact for large-cap, middle-cap, and small-cap shares, while the stock price is significantly negatively related to the price impact. The direct implication of this study is that the investor should break a block order into small orders and submit the small orders to the market in the period of higher market liquidity. Meanwhile, this study also provides an important basis for choosing the optimal trading strategy.
Journal of Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management