目的探讨护理人员循证护理实践应用过程中存在的障碍因素。方法 2013年5月~2014年2月,选择深圳5家综合医院,采用按科室分层按病区随机整群抽样法选取855名护理人员,应用"中文版护理人员循证护理实践障碍量表"进行现状调查,了解护理人员循证护理实践的障碍因素。结果护理人员循证护理实践障碍量表4个维度得分从高至低排序为:第2维度(研究报道的时效性与系统性)、第3维度(开展循证护理的资源条件)、第1维度(科研研究报道的质量)、第4维度(护理人员对循证护理主观态度及能力);其中护理人员循证护理实践障碍量表前5个障碍因素包括:医院为开展护理科研或实施成果所提供的设备或资源不足(占68.09%),医学新进展的相关信息太过庞杂,护理人员很难选择与本专科相关内容的文献(占66.75%),科研结论未必能在护理实践中施行(占66.01%),在工作中没有足够的时间来尝试实施新的思想(占64.15%),难以获取具有科研价值的报道和文章(占64.04%)。结论护理人员循证护理实践障碍因素包括资源条件不足、缺乏时间、难以寻找解决护理问题的依据等。护理管理者应针对护理人员在循证护理实践中过程存在的困难,有的放矢地采取措施,从而提升护理人员循证护理实践的应用能力。
Objective To discuss the barriers influencing the application of evidence-based nursing. Methods Nine hundred nurses from August 2013 to February 2014 were selected from five polyclinics in Shenzhen by randomly cluster sampling according to different departments and wards. We carried out the survey with the Chinese version of cognitive of impairment of nursing scientific research scale. Results The sores of 4 dimesions of scientific application of evidence-based nursing from high to low were effectiveness and system of research, resource to evidence-based nursing, quality of research and attitude and ability of nursing staff. The main barriers in applying scientific research payoffs by the nursing staff included the deficient resource and equipment provided by hospitals (68.09%), the jumbled medical development information confused the nurses in selecting related reference (66.75%), failing to put the scientific achievements into practice (66.01%),insufficient time to actualize new ideas (64.15%), and difficulty in obtaining the reference of scientific research (64.04%). Conclusion The barriers to scientrfic application of evidence-based nursing were the deficient resource and time and difficulties to find evidence. The nursing policy makers should adopt efficient measures aimed at the difficulties the nursing staff in applying their research results, thereby popularize the application of research achievements in hospitals.
Modern Clinical Nursing
nursing staff
evidence-based nursing
scale of evidence-based nursing practice barriers