
山西省临汾市ECHO30病毒所致病毒性脑炎疫情的病原学分析 被引量:3

Pathogen analysis of an aseptic meningitis outbreak caused by ECHO30 virus in Linfen city, Shanxi province
摘要 目的对山西省临汾市一起病毒性脑炎疫情进行病原学分析。方法用Real—time PCR方法对9份咽拭子标本进行肠道病毒核酸检测。对肠道病毒核酸阳性的标本,分别扩增肠道病毒5’UTR区和VP2基因区片段,PCR扩增产物测序后,经BLAST比对初步确定病毒型别为ECH-O30;使用ECIq030的特异性引物扩增VP1基因部分片段,测序后使用MEGA4.0软件与NCBI数据库的其他ECH030毒株进行进化分析。结果9份病毒性脑炎标本中有4份为肠道病毒阳性;经肠道病毒5’UTR片段、VP2基因和VP1基因测序,确定4条临汾株ECH030病毒核苷酸序列与2004年浙江ECH030株和ECH030标准株Bastianni同源性较高,且4条ECH030病毒VP1基因的差异性为0.5%。进化分析显示,本地区的4株ECH030病毒白成一簇,且与中国大陆地区的其他参考株亲缘关系较近。结论肠道病毒属ECH030病毒引发山西省临汾市病毒性脑炎疫情,有必要监测本地区的病毒性脑炎病原谱。 Objective To investigate the pathogen of an aseptic meningitis outbreak in Linfen city, Shanxi province. Methods Real-time PCR was used to screen enterovirus among 9 throat swab samples. The genotyping of the enterovirus was identifed by PCR and sequencing of 5' UTR region and VP2 gene. The sequence and phylogenetic analysis of the VPI genes of ECHO30 was performed using the MEGA 4. 0 software. Results Four out of 9 samples were identified as enterovirus positive by real-time PCR. Phylogenetie analysis of VP1 genes demonstrated that 4 strains detected from this outbreak were aggregated into one cluster, with the variability of 0. 5%, and the closest relationships with them were ECHO30 isolated in 2004 from Zhejiang, China and with high homology with ECHO30 prototype, Bastianni strain ( 〉 75%). Conclusions ECHO30 is the predominant type of the aseptic meningitis outbreak in Linfen city. It is necessary to monitor pathogen spectrum associated with aseptic meningitis in this region.
出处 《国际病毒学杂志》 2016年第3期168-172,共5页 International Journal of Virology
基金 北京市专项基础科研基金(Z151100003915140)
关键词 病毒性脑炎 肠道病毒 进化分析 Aseptic meningitis Enterovirus Phylogenetic analysis
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