目的了解北京市朝阳区居民乙型肝炎疾病负担现状和变化趋势。方法以北京市朝阳区居民乙型肝炎病例的流行病学资料和人群死因资料为基础,计算该地区2009—2013年伤残调整寿命年(Disability Adjusted Life Years,DALYs),分析其结构和时间变化趋势。结果2009—2013年北京市朝阳区居民的乙型肝炎疾病负担从3.51万个DALYs损失下降为0.30万个DALYs,每干人DALYs损失平均降低了92.15%。在DALYs的构成中,YLL(yearsoflifelost,寿命损失年)所占比例始终低于YI.D(yearslivedwithdisability,伤残损失健康生命年)。男性乙型肝炎的疾病负担高于女性;20—60岁的中青年乙型肝炎的疾病负担一直处于较高水平,20岁以下人群的DALYs损失持续处于较低水平。结论调查结果显示,北京市朝阳区实施的病毒性肝炎综合防控措施效果良好。研究提示,降低乙型肝炎的发病率、提高乙型肝炎患者的诊治水平和生活质量是今后乙肝防控策略的重要方向。成年人尤其是处于劳动活动期的20—45岁青壮年人群是该区域当前乙肝防控的重点。
Objective To give overview of the trend of disease burden on Hepatitis B during 2009- 2013 in Chaoyang district, Beijing. Methods According to epidemical data and death information, Disability Adjusted Life Years(DALYs) of Hepatitis B from 2009 to 2013 was calculated, and the constitution and trends of the DALYs was analyzed. Results Disease burden of hepatitis B dropped from 35 088 to 2 997 DALYs during 2009-2013 years in Chaoyang District, Beijing, while DALYs per thousand persons dropped 92. 15% in average. For the DALYs constitution, YLL was always lower than the proportion of YLD. In terms of population distribution, the disease burden of hepatitis B for men was more than women. Young people for 20-45 and 45-60 years old had a high state in hepatitis B disease burden, and low level for people under 20 years of age. Conclusions Results of this study reflect the good effects of the comprehensive prevention and control for hepatitis B implemented in Chaoyang District to some extent. Reducing the incidence of hepatitis B, improving the diagnosis and treatment and the quality of life for hepatitis B patients are important for tuture hepatitis B prevention and control strategies. Adults, especially young of 2045 years old are the focus of hepatitis B prevention and control in this region.
International Journal of Virology
Hepatitis B
Burden of disease
Disability Adjusted Life Years (DALYs)