
How County-Level Agricultural Loans and Fiscal Expenditure Impact Rural Residents' Income in China——An Empirical Study of the Hierarchical Effect by Quantile Regression

How County-Level Agricultural Loans and Fiscal Expenditure Impact Rural Residents' Income in China——An Empirical Study of the Hierarchical Effect by Quantile Regression
摘要 Using cross-sectional data from 853 counties in 11 western China provinces, we employ quantile regression (QR) and instrumental variable quantile regression (IVQR) to investigate the hierarchical effect of fiscal expenditure and agricultural loan on rural residents' income. We find: (1) the relationship between agricultural loan and income is consistent with the inverted U-shape (Kuznets curve); (2) the coefficient of quantile regression for rural residents' loan gradually decreases; particularly, the impact on the high-income group is insignificant (at 0.90 quantile); (3) for 0.10 and 0.50 quantile, the increase of fiscal expenditure would hinder rather than promote income growth; (4) the restraining effect becomes more pronounced for the lower groups; in contrast, there is a significant positive relationship between income and fiscal expenditure for 0.90 quantile's income group. Implications for government policy formulation are propounded accordingly. Using cross-sectional data from 853 counties in 11 western China provinces, we employ quantile regression (QR) and instrumental variable quantile regression (IVQR) to investigate the hierarchical effect of fiscal expenditure and agricultural loan on rural residents' income. We find: (1) the relationship between agricultural loan and income is consistent with the inverted U-shape (Kuznets curve); (2) the coefficient of quantile regression for rural residents' loan gradually decreases; particularly, the impact on the high-income group is insignificant (at 0.90 quantile); (3) for 0.10 and 0.50 quantile, the increase of fiscal expenditure would hinder rather than promote income growth; (4) the restraining effect becomes more pronounced for the lower groups; in contrast, there is a significant positive relationship between income and fiscal expenditure for 0.90 quantile's income group. Implications for government policy formulation are propounded accordingly.
出处 《Frontiers of Economics in China-Selected Publications from Chinese Universities》 2016年第2期302-320,共19页 中国高等学校学术文摘·经济学(英文版)
关键词 fiscal expenditure agricultural loan loan for rural residents ruralresidents' income quantile regression fiscal expenditure, agricultural loan, loan for rural residents, ruralresidents' income, quantile regression
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