
n-γ核信号的matlab仿真及其数字波形甄别方法研究 被引量:4

The Research on Matlab Simulation and Digital Pulse Shape Discrimination for n-γ Nuclear Signal
摘要 由于中子射线中常常混有γ射线,所以在探测器探测到中子信号的同时也可能会探测到γ信号,而对不同的核信号进行区分具有重大意义。本文利用matlab软件开展了中子和γ粒子数字化核信号波形仿真研究,并利用几种核脉冲波形甄别方法对仿真波形进行甄别,最后对不同方法的甄别效果展开了分析讨论。结果表明,电荷比较法、上升时间法和脉冲梯度分析法都是稳定的甄别方法,可有效实现n-γ甄别,其中电荷比较法的甄别效果相对较好。 Neutron radiation usually mingle with γ radiat neutron signal of radiation detector usually mix γ signal. It ion, as a result of it, the is significant to discriminate different nuclear signal. In this study, we use matlab to simulate n-γ nuclear pulse shape digital signal and to discriminate them by pulse shape discrimination methods, then, we discuss the discrimination effect of different method. The result shows that charge comparison method, rising time method and pulse gradient analysis are all stable and reliable for n-γ discrimination, and charge comparison method is relatively better.
出处 《核科学与工程》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2016年第2期294-299,共6页 Nuclear Science and Engineering
基金 湖南省研究生科研创新项目(2015SCX23)
关键词 MATLAB 数字核信号 仿真 波形甄别 Matlab Digital Nuclear Signal Simulation Pulse Shape Discrinimation
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