通过海上比测试验,对新研制的SZF2-1A型多参数波浪试验浮标系统的工作稳定性、波浪传感器测量准确性进行全面客观评价。采用MARKⅡ波浪骑士的测量数据作为参比,结果表明,试验浮标与波浪骑士所测数据具有良好的一致性:两种仪器间最大波高相关系数为0.96,均方根误差为0.33 m,有效波高相关系数为0.99,均方根误差为0.13 m,相对误差为6.0%,平均波高相关系数为0.98,均方根误差为0.088 m,相对误差为6.2%;两种仪器所测有效波高、平均波高对应周期的一致性比较好,相关系数分别达到0.86和0.87;两种仪器所测波向相关系数为0.77。总体上得出结论:试验浮标运行状态稳定,波浪传感器测量准确可靠。
The stability and measuring accuracy of the wave sensor are evaluated on the sea in an objective and comprehensive way for the newly developed SZF2-1A multi-parameter wave test buoy. Comparing with the measured data from the MARK Ⅱ wave buoy, it shows that the SZF2-1A buoy and MARK Ⅱ buoy have good consistency. The correlation coefficient of maximum wave height between the two wave buoys is 0.96, and the root mean square error is 0.33 m; the correlation coefficient of significant wave height is 0.99, the root mean square error is 0.13 m, and the relative error is 6.0%; the correlation coefficient of average wave height is 0.98,the root mean square error is 0.088 m, and the relative error is 6.2%. It is proved that the periods measured by the two wave buoys corresponding to significant wave height and average wave height have good consistency, with correlation coefficient being 0.86 and 0.87, respectively. The correlation coefficient of wave direction of the two models is 0.77. It is concluded that the SZF2-1A multi-parameter wave test buoy is stable in operation and the wave sensor on the SZF2-1A buoy is accurate and reliable in its measuring performance.
Journal of Ocean Technology