气体钻井作为一项高效、环保、清洁的钻井方式,在深层提速、发现和保护储层方面起到了重要的作用,但是由于大庆油田深层探区地层出水严重,制约了大庆气体钻井的应用与发展。为了更好地判断井下出水情况,开展了湿度监测的研究与攻关,采用进、出口同时监测的方式,最大程度地避免环境因素的影响,以获得准确的井下湿度值。通过对3口井的现场试验,能及时发现井下湿度变化,达到提前判断井下出水的目的。特别是在XS35井现场试验中,降低了无效等停时间29 h,节约气体钻井设备消耗柴油6.5 t,节能效果显著,同时避免了复杂事故的发生,为气体钻井安全钻进提供了有力的技术支撑。
Gas drilling is an efficient, environmental and clean way of drilling, it has played an important role in the deep layer speed-increasing, the discovery and the protection of the reservoir, but the formation water production of the deep layer is severe, which restricts the application and development of gas drilling in Daqing oilfield. In order to have a better evaluation of the downhole water, we carry out the humidity monitoring research and developing work, monitor the inlets and outlets simultaneously and avoid the influence of environmental factors to a greatest extent, so as to obtain the accurate downhole humidity value. The field tests of three wells show that the changes of the downhole moisture can be detected timely by using the above method,which have completed the aim to judge the formation water production in advance. Especially during field test of XS35 well, 29 h of invalid stop time is reduced, 6.5 t of diesel consumption for gas drilling equipment is saved,which has achieved a certain effect of energy-saving and the goal of avoiding the complex accidents in the same time, provided a powerful technical support for safe gas drilling.
Energy Conservation in Petroleum & PetroChemical Industry
gas drilling
formation water
humidity monitoring
formation water judgement
safety drilling