目的对2005-2014年广东省卫生资源配置情况进行均衡性分析,为促进各区域卫生资源合理配置提供科学依据。方法对2005-2014年广东省卫生机构数、床位数、执业(助理)医师数和卫技人员数进行描述性分析,运用Lorenz曲线和Gini系数分析各区域卫生资源配置的均衡性。结果 2005-2014年间,广东省各区域卫生资源总量持续增长,但区域性差异愈益显著;卫生资源主要集中在珠三角,在粤东最为缺乏;卫生机构和床位按人口分布的Lorenz曲线和Gini系数分布相对均衡;执业(助理)医师、卫技人员按人口分布的Lorenz曲线和Gini系数分布不均衡。结论构建卫生资源二次配置新模式,强化省级政府财政责任,建立卫生人力资源良性互动机制,从而缩小区域差距,推动卫生资源配置的均衡发展。
Objective Analyze the health resource balance allocation in Guangdong Province from 2005 to 2014 and provide scientific basis for the rational allocation of health resources in different regions. Methods Descriptive analysis method is used to analyze the quantity of health institution, bed, practicing (Assistant) physician and health technician in Guangdong Province from 2005 to 2014. The Lorenz curve and Gini coefficient are used to analyze the balance of health re- sources allocation. Results The total quantity of health resources keeps growing in Guangdong Province from 2005 to 2014, but the regional difference is more remarkable; Health resources are mainly concentrated in the Pearl River Delta and most lack in Eastern of GuangDong; Health institutions and the population distribution of beds by Lorenz curve and Gini coefficient distribution is relatively balanced; Practice (Assistant) physicians, health technicians by Lorenz curve and Gini coefficient distribution is not balanced. Conclusion Establish the new model of health resource secondary allocation, strengthen the fi- nancial responsibility of the provincial government and establish a beneficial interaction mechanism of health human resources to narrow the regional gap and promote the balanced development of health resources allocation.
Modern Hospitals