

Review on the Great Stalin Plan for the Transformation of Nature
摘要 在收集有关斯大林改造大自然工程相关英文资料的基础上,对于这个计划的内容和实施过程进行了整理。获得稳定的粮食产量是前苏联人多年的梦想,斯大林改造大自然工程在实施过程中盲目扩大规模和强力推行未经实验验证的造林方法,导致项目难以正常实施。回顾这个世界规模最大的林业生态环境建设工程的经验和教训,会对我国林业生态文明建设有所启示。 Based on the relevant literatures about The Great Stalin Plan for the Transformation of Nature in English, the contents and implementation process of the Plan were sorted. Gaining the stable production of crops had been the dream for the former Soviet Union,however,the blindly expanding the scale and forced implementation of afforestation methods that were not experimentally verified yet led the Plan to the difficulty to be implemented. The experiences and lessons by reviewing the largest-scale construction engineering of forestry ecological environment in the world may provide inspirations for the construction of forestry ecological civilization in China.
作者 朱永杰
出处 《北京林业大学学报(社会科学版)》 2016年第2期12-15,共4页 Journal of Beijing Forestry University :Social Sciences
关键词 斯大林改造大自然工程 防护林带 生态环境 the great Stalin plan for the transformation of nature shelterbelt ecological environment
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