Clinical study was made for 101 patients with tinea versicolor who showed positive results. in direct mycological examination and growth of pityrosporum orbiculare or P. orbiculare + P.ovale in culture. Most of them were males (91.1%) and their lesions began to appear in spring or summer. 13 patients who came from 10 families had family history. After further investigation, the number of patients in these 10 families was 23. Among them, most were born of the same parents or in two generations. Of 46 married patients, none of spouses had the same disease. A review of literatures suggested that P. orb and P.ovale were membere of human cutaneous flora and no harmful for the host. Some persons who have heriditery specific immune deficiency for P.orb can suffer from tinea versicolor, while P. orb changes into filamental phase from yeast phase under some coalitions. The traditional idea that tinea versicolor is a contact infectious disease and poor hygieece play an important role in transmission seem unreasonable.