
银川国家湿地公园生态旅游发展模式研究 被引量:17

Research on ecotourism development of Yinchuan National Wetland Park
摘要 湿地生态旅游既是生态旅游的一种专项形式,也是保护湿地生态系统和湿地资源开发的有效方式。银川湿地资源丰富,开展湿地生态旅游资源条件十分优越。通过对银川国家湿地公园发展生态旅游的SWOT分析得出影响其发展的相关因素,运用内、外部环境分析矩阵法对这些因素进行定量分析,以探讨发展湿地生态旅游的可行性。在此基础上,构建了以"生态安全为底线、生态文化为核心、生态文明为目标"的开发理念,以社区参与、政策、资金等为保障机制,以完善生态旅游服务设施、升级旅游产品、丰富旅游业态为开发方式的银川国家湿地公园生态旅游发展模型,以期实现银川湿地生态旅游的可持续发展。 As a typical pattern of ecotourism, wetland eco-tourism is also an effective measure of protecting wetland system and resources planning. Yinchuan City is endowed with rich wetland resources, which has superior condition to develop wetland ecotourism. The paper utilized SWOT analysis method to analyze ecotourism development condition and influencing factors in Yinchuan City National Wetland Park, and discussed feasibility to develop wetland ecotourism together with internal and external environmental analysis matrix method. Finally, the study established a specific ecotourism model in the hope of realizing sustainable tourism development, which contained the developing concept of "ecological security as the threshold, ecological culture as the core, ecological civilization as the goal", the safeguard mechanism of community-engagement, as well as the developing mode of improving ecotourism service facility, updating tourism products, enriching tourism operational types.
出处 《生态科学》 CSCD 2016年第3期153-160,共8页 Ecological Science
基金 “丝绸之路经济带”战略对宁夏回族文化旅游集聚发展影响及其空间优化路径研究(NGY2015014)
关键词 银川 湿地 生态旅游 国家湿地公园 Yinchuan wetland eco-tourism national wet-land park
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