On June 15, 1215, King John of England signed at Runnymede with his barons Magna Carta, “the foundation of principles and systems of government of which neither King John nor his nobles dreamed.“ To celebrate its 800th anniversary and promote the rule of law in China, the conference of “The Past, Present and Future of Rule of Law: Manga Carta, the 800th Anniversary” was held at Renmin University of China Law from September 5 to September 6 of 2015. Five articles presented to the conference are included into this issue to reveal how the idea of the rule of law embedded in Magna Carta influenced the legality in different countries.
On June 15, 1215, King John of England signed at Runnymede with his barons Magna Carta, “the foundation of principles and systems of government of which neither King John nor his nobles dreamed.“ To celebrate its 800th anniversary and promote the rule of law in China, the conference of “The Past, Present and Future of Rule of Law: Manga Carta, the 800th Anniversary” was held at Renmin University of China Law from September 5 to September 6 of 2015. Five articles presented to the conference are included into this issue to reveal how the idea of the rule of law embedded in Magna Carta influenced the legality in different countries.