

An Initial Analysis of the Success and Challenges of the UN Peacekeeping Operation in Mali
摘要 作为国际社会推动马里和平事业的重要机制,"联合国马里维和行动"在推动马里国家和平进程、打击地区恐怖势力和促进国际多边合作方面取得不少成就。但与此同时,该行动也在安全形势、维和能力建设以及与驻在国关系等问题上面临诸多困难与挑战,其最终成败尚难预测。本文简要梳理了联合国马里维和行动的组建过程,分析了该行动所取得的主要成就及面临的主要挑战。 As the major mechanismof the international community to promote peace in Mali, the UN peacekeeping operation in Mali has made quite a few achievements in promoting peace in Mali, cracking down regional terrorist forces and boosting international multilateral cooperation. But, it is difficult now to predict its final success or failure, as it is still confronted with difficulties and challenges in security situation, peacekeeping capabilities and relations with the host country. This paper has followed briefly the establishment of the UN peacekeeping operation in Mali and analyzed its major achievements and the challenges it has to confront.
作者 胡二杰
出处 《和平与发展》 CSSCI 2016年第3期111-122,125,共12页 Peace and Development
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  • 1安理会会议.“副秘书长拉德苏强调巩固马里北部和平需要使最脆弱人口分享和平红利”,联合国网站,http://www.un.org/zh/peacekeeping/news/newsdetails.asp?newslD.25436.
  • 2Arthur Boutellis, "Mali: Signing Peace Now, Making Peace Later," http:// theglobalobservatory.org/2015/06/mali-tuareg-azawad-minusma/.
  • 3Lotte vermeij, "MINUSMA: challenges on the ground," Norwegian Institute of International Affairs. Policy BrieF, 19/2015, p.3.
  • 4"Mali president calls UN mission in the country 'friend of Mali' ," http://news. xinhuanet.com/english/2015-01/30/c_133960016.htm.
  • 5"MINUSMA Facts and Figures," http://www.un.org/en/peacekeeping/missions/ minusma/facts.shtml.
  • 6Lotte vermeij, "MINUSMA: challenges on the ground," Norwegian Institute of International Affairs. Policy BrieF, 19/2015, p. 2.
  • 7"Mali welcomes extension of MINUSMA mandate," http://news.xinhuanet.com/ english/ 2015-O7 / O1/ c_134 3 7 2994.htm.
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  • 2Michael Brett and Elizabeth Fentress, The Berbers, Blachwell Publishing, 1997, p. 210.
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