
高压作业下管汇的空间流固耦合分析 被引量:2

Spatial Fluid-solid Interaction Analysis of Manifold in High Pressure Operation
摘要 高压作业中管汇的振动问题对实际工程作业的安全性和设备寿命造成了很大影响,而流固耦合是造成管道振动的重要原因之一。因此,以单作用三缸往复式压裂泵为研究对象,通过改变约束位置和约束方式选取几种可行的约束方案,进而使用有限元分析软件ADINA对高压管汇进行流固耦合分析,仿真模拟出不同方案下的振动情况及应力应变结果。分析结果表明,固定约束能够有效缓解振动,但容易造成应力集中;相对而言,弹性支撑对振动的缓解稍弱,但不易产生应力集中现象,有利于延长管汇寿命。因此,合理地组合使用2种约束方式能够达到较好的减振效果。研究结果可为实际高压管汇作业中支撑方案的选取提供参考。 Vibration of the high-pressure manifold in operation makes a significant impact on the engineering work’ s safety and equipment life, and fluid-structure interaction is one of the most important causes of pipeline vi-bration. Therefore, this paper takes the single-acting triplex fracturing pump as research object, selects several fea-sible constraint programs by changing the position and the pattern of constraints, and then makes fluid-solid inter-action analysis by using finite element analysis software ADINA, and finally gets the vibration condition and stress/strain results. The results show that, a fixed constraint can effectively alleviate the vibration, but likely to cause stress concentration. Relatively speaking, the flexible support’ s ability of alleviating vibration is weak, but it can also reduce the possibility of stress concentration, which is beneficial to extend the service life. Therefore, using the two ways in proper combination could achieve a better vibration reduction effect. The conclusion can provide a reference for selecting pipeline supporting schemes in high-pressure operation.
出处 《石油机械》 2016年第7期103-107,共5页 China Petroleum Machinery
基金 工业和信息化部项目"海洋油气压裂作业系统振动与噪声控制技术研究"(2014020012)
关键词 高压管汇 压裂泵 振动 流固耦合 支撑方案 有限元分析 high-pressure manifold fracturing pump vibration fluid-solid interaction supporting scheme finite element analysis
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