

On McEachern's Character Features and Cultural Functions
摘要 尽管麦克依琴是《八月之光》中次要的传导型人物,但其对小说情节发展和主题展示却起到了不可忽视的推动作用。通过这一形象,福克纳不仅塑造了一个异化特征和施虐症候鲜明的角色人物,而且再现了小说主人公心理记忆的重要原初场景。同时福克纳向读者揭示麦克依琴不仅是美国"南方家庭罗曼司"中严苛的父亲形象的典型,也是美国南方社会诸多文化深层次要素的集中映射者。 McEachern is a secondary and associative character inLight in August , but he can’t be ig?nored in developing the plots and showing the themes. Through this character, Faulkner not only displays an im?age with distinct alienated and sadist feature, but also reappears primal scene of mental memory to the hero.Further, Faulkner reveals that McEachern is a typical and hard father in Southern Family Romance, and also isa concentrated representation of numerous and deep key elements in American southern society.
作者 王钢
出处 《吉林师范大学学报(人文社会科学版)》 2016年第2期50-55,共6页 Journal Of Jilin Normal University:Humanities & Social Science Edition
基金 教育部2015年青年基金项目"圣经之维:美国南方文学经典的文化诗学阐释"(编号:15YJC752033)
关键词 《八月之光》 麦克依琴 性格症候 文化角色 文化功能 Light in August McEachern character features cultural roles cultural functions
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