
杂交-杂交瘤技术制备BsMAb的研究进展及其在食品安全检测中的应用 被引量:2

Progress in Hybrid-Hybridoma Technology to Produce Bispecific Monoclonal Antibody and Its Application in Food Safety Detection
摘要 双特异性单克隆抗体(bispecific monoclonal antibody,BsMAb)是指具有两个不同特异性抗原结合位点的单克隆抗体分子。杂交-杂交瘤技术因其简便易行、制备周期短,在制备Bs MAb方面有较大优势。基于杂交-杂交瘤技术能制备出可以特异性识别两种或者两类小分子药物的Bs MAb,在食品安全多残留免疫分析检测中具有较好的应用价值。本文综述了杂交-杂交瘤技术制备Bs MAb的进展,探讨了基于该技术的Bs MAb生成机制,讨论分析了杂交-杂交瘤及Bs MAb筛选制备的关键技术要点,并归纳了Bs MAb在检测食品中小分子污染物方面的应用进展,旨在为食品安全多残留免疫分析技术的发展应用提供参考。 Bispecific monoclonal antibodies(BsMAb) are monoclonal antibody molecules with two different specific antigen-binding sites. Hybrid-hybridoma technology has a great advantage in the preparation of Bs MAb because of its easy operation and less time consumption. Bs MAbs with 2 distinct antigen-binding sites produced by the hybrid-hybridoma technology could specifically recognize antigens of 2 drugs or 2 classes of drugs, and are applicable in the multi-residue determination of foods. In this paper, we elaborate recent progress in the development of hybrid-hybridoma technology and explore the mechanism of Bs MAb generation by the hybrid-hybridoma method. Several important factors influencing the hybrid-hybridoma technology are discussed, and the application of Bs MAb in food safety detection is also reviewed. This paper will provide some references for the development and application of Bs MAb in multi-residue immunoassay of foods.
出处 《食品科学》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2016年第13期251-256,共6页 Food Science
基金 广东省自然科学基金项目(S2012010010323) 广东省科技计划项目(2014B070706001)
关键词 杂交-杂交瘤技术 双特异性单克隆抗体 多残留 免疫分析 hybrid-hybridoma technology bispecific monoclonal antibody(BsMAb) multi-residue immunoassay
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