采用正相高效液相色谱法对腌腊肉制品中的磷脂酰胆碱氢过氧化物(PC-OOH)进行检测。腌腊肉制品中的PC-OOH用氯仿-甲醇(2∶1,V/V)提取,以合成的C16∶0/18∶2 PC-OOH为标样,采用正相高效液相色谱-紫外法进行检测。色谱柱:Lichrosorb Si60(250 mm×4.0 mm,5μm);流动相:A为水,B为正己烷-异丙醇(3∶2,V/V),采用梯度洗脱;流速:1 m L/min;柱温:30℃;检测波长:234 nm。结果表明:C16∶0/18∶2 PC-OOH在20~600 nmol/m L范围内呈现良好的线性关系(R2=0.999 9),检出限为5.8 nmol/m L,定量限为19.4 nmol/m L,不同水平的平均回收率为79.4%~91.9%。实际样品分析显示,农家腊肠A、B和火腿中方样品中PC-OOH的含量比较高,为92.4、106.4 nmol/g和102.5 nmol/g,烟熏肉中未检出PC-OOH。本实验建立的分析方法简便快捷、具有较好的灵敏度和可靠性,可用于腌腊肉制品中PC-OOH的定量分析。
A normal-phase high-performance liquid chromatographic(HPLC) method was established to determine phosphatidylcholine monohydroperoxide(PC-OOH) in dry cured meat products. The PC-OOH in dry cured meat samples was extracted with chloroform/methanol(2:1, V/V), followed by determination by normal-phase HPLC connected to a photo-diode array detector(HPLC-PAD) with synthetic C16:0/18:2 PC-OOH as the standard. The chromatographic conditions were established using a Lichrosorb Si60 column(250 mm × 4.0 mm, 5 μm) with a mobile phase consisting of water and n-hexane/isopropanol(3:2, V/V) in gradient elution at a flow rate of 1.0 m L/min. The detection wavelength was set at 234 nm. Results indicated that the linearity ranged from 20 to 600 nmol/m L(R^2 = 0.999 9), and the limits of detection(LOD) and limits of quantification(LOQ) were 5.8 nmol/m L and 19.4 nmol/m L, respectively. The recoveries from spiked samples at concentration levels of 32–240 nmol/g were in the range of 79.4%–91.9%. The contents of PC-OOH in farm-made sausage A, B and Chinese ham samples were 92.4, 106.4 and 102.5 nmol/g, respectively, while PC-OOH in smoked meat was not detected. This method proved to be of high maneuverability, excellent sensitivity and high accuracy, and could be used for quantitative analysis of PC-OOH in dry cured meat samples.
Food Science