Since 1978, China’s economic development lias made remarkable achievements. Due to the nationalstrength being strengthened, the Chinese status is being improved. As the rapid economy development, the inequality of theregional economic development has attracted widespread concern of scholars. Under the relevant economic developmentpolicies, the eastern region has achieved rapid economic growth, the development of differences between eastern andwestern regions is widening. Eastern region needs sustainable economic growth while western region needs to accelerate thedevelopment of regional economy. Thus, coordinated development of regional economy is particularly important for ourcountry, it also lias become an important theme to maintain a healthy social and economic development environment. Thispaper focuses on studying regional economic differences in China by collected the province data from 1978-2014 and choseGDP per capita as index to present the economic development level. This study also has shown that trends of provincialregional economy differences in term of relative difference and absolute difference. Final, put forward the governmentpolicy recommendations for narrowing the economic difference.
Logistics Engineering and Management
regional economy differences
inverted U curve
relative difference absolute difference