《即日启程》是一部小成本制作的影片,它的成功虽然是诸多元素完美结合的结果 ,但是演员高超的演技在相当程度上成就了《即日启程》,他(她)们凭借精湛的演技将许多跨度很大的情节浑然地衔接成一个整体,在此过程中,于很多细微之处展现了人物丰富的情感变化,于细微处见真情是这部影片的一个特色。与此同时,影片将剧中人物本真的存在状态尽可能予以整体性的展现,而最真实的东西往往是最容易感动人的,这也是这部影片之所以打动人心的一个重要原因。总之,《即日启程》带给观众的不仅仅是笑声,而是在笑声之外还给人们带来了更多有关生活和生命本质的回味和思考。
Set off is a low-budget film. Its success is the result of the perfect combination of many elements. However, it is also the achievements of the actors’ superb acting to a considerable degree. The actors completely connected many plots with large span as a whole by virtue of excellent acting. In this course, many details showed the profound emotional changes of the charac-ters and the audiences could see the truth in subtleties, and all of these made this film has a strong feature. At the same time, the film exhibited the real existential conditions of the characters with overall perspective as far as possible. Actually, the real thing is often easy to move people, which is the reason why this film moved most people. All in all, Set off brought people not only the laughter, but also much thinking and aftertaste on the essence of life. In the correlative analysis, the author used Heidegger’s philo-sophical thought appropriately as an analytical perspective and strived to make the correlative analysis to reach a certain depth.
Journal of Chongqing University of Arts and Sciences(Social Sciences Edition)