Based on detailed observations of cores and thin sections, com bined w ith the application offield em ission scanning electron m icroscopy (F E S E M ), physical property and m ercury intrusionanalysis, X -ray diffraction, carbon and oxygen isotope analysis, the causes of low porosity andperm eability sandstone and favorable reservoir in the H uagang Form ation of Xihu sag in E ast ChinaSea are analyzed. It reveals that the sandstones in the H uagang Form ation m ainly consist of detritusfeldspar sandstone and feldspar detritus sandstone w ith dom inant secondary pores. T he cause of deepreservoirs is discussed based on research of sedim entary facies, digenesis of rocks and abnorm alpressure and it is considered th at the m ain reason for the low porosity and low perm eability in deeplyburied reservoirs is the late stage com paction and cem entation. T he form er is responsible for the lowporosity and low perm eability of reservoirs. Developm ent of ferrocalcite and illite cem entation leads todeterioration of reservoir quality, w hile silk thread shaped illite occurred in pore throat is alsodecreasing the perm eability of reservoirs. It show s that the sedim entary facies, digenesis and overpressure are main controlling factors on deeply buried reservoirs of high quality. Uncompactionresulted from corrosion and overpressure, organic acid, meteoric water and hydrothermal liquid aremain factors for the formation of deeply buried high-quality reservoirs. In general, deposition is thebasis, diagenesis is the key and overpressure is the important reason for the development of favorablereservoir in the Xihu sag.
Journal of Chengdu University of Technology: Science & Technology Edition