
基于SVM的在线商品评论的情感倾向性分析 被引量:5

Analysis of emotional tendency in online product reviews based on SVM
摘要 在线商品评论的情感倾向分析是一个很有研究价值的分类技术。文中采用SVM文本分类算法将在线商品评论进行情感倾向分析,同时,为了克服传统的CHI统计特征选择法的不足,提出了结合方差分析的CHI统计特征选择方法。实验表明:在基于SVM的在线商品评论情感倾向分析中,改进的特征选择方法对在线商品评论的情感分类效果有很好的提升。 Sentiment analysis ol online product reviews is a valuable research classification technique.This paper applies a Chinese text categorization algorithm based on SVM , to analyze the sentimenttendency ol online product reviews, which are positive or negative, at the same time, in order to overcomethe shortcomings ol the traditional C HI feature selection method,the C HI feature selection method basedon analysis ol variance is proposed. The experimental result show the improved feature selection methodhas a good promotion to sentiment analysis ol online product reviews based on SVM .
作者 肖江 王晓进
出处 《信息技术》 2016年第7期172-175,共4页 Information Technology
关键词 商品评论 情感倾向分析 CHI特征选择 支持向量机 product reviews sentiment analysis CH I leature selection support vector machine
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