This study discusses the literary picture of the Minga Mountain/River and Minga Syuu of Sesson Yūbai who belongs to the "Yuu Gakuha" of Japanese Gozan Literature, as well as explores the mixture and exchange of fictionality and factuality presented in writings so as to clarify the interplay among history, geography and human experiences. Unlike the traditional way of simply valuing time clues but ignoring spatial orientation, this article witnesses Sesson's dual stands about hometown/foreign land arising from his diasporic career in Sichuan, and clarifies Sesson's identity transformation from deportee to revenant by the comparison between the empirical "taogu" and reality, as well as teases out the Chinese image theme from Sesson's "taogu" poetries about Sichuan's humanity. By our analysis, we can conclude that Sesson's feelings about his diasporic life in Western Sichuan and his return footprints in historical clues may supplement the local connation, which means that extra- domain Minga Syuu may fulfill the opposite parts of intra- domain writings. Finally, we suggest that if the cultural identity(the Chinese language centralism) demonstrated by diasporic language has importance, then how to position extra-domain Min Syuu is also worth paying attention to.
Journal of Japanese Language Study and Research