

Chemkin Numerical Simulation of NO Conversion in NO/O_2/N_2 by NTP
摘要 主要讨论了低温等离子体对NO/O2/N2气氛中NO的转化并试图揭示其化学反应机理,建立PFR等离子体管流模型,利用Chemkin对处理NO的化学过程进行反应动力学模拟,将模拟结果与介质阻挡放电低温等离子体反应装置的试验数据进行对比。模拟和试验结果均表明,NO浓度随着放电功率的增加而下降,NO2、O3浓度随着放电功率的增加先增大后减小,从而验证了动力学模型的合理性。利用该机理模型,对反应体系中其余活性物种浓度进行模拟,得出这些物种的浓度变化曲线。 This paper mainly discussed NO of NO / O_2/ N_2 conversion by NTP( Non-thermal Plasma),tried to analyze the reaction mechanism,established the PFR( Non-thermal Plasma) model for reaction,simulated NO conversion process by using Chemkin software,and then compared the simulation result with NTP test result. The results show that the concentration of NO decreases with plasma power increasing; the concentration of NO_2 and O_3 firstly increases with plasma power increasing and then decreases. It was proved that the simulation result was true. At last,the concentration of other species was simulated,and the concentration curve was presented.
作者 吴江霞
出处 《拖拉机与农用运输车》 2016年第3期39-43,共5页 Tractor & Farm Transporter
基金 江苏高校优势学科建设工程资助项目(PAPD)
关键词 NTP NO CHEMKIN 模拟 NTP NO Chemkin Simulation
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