教育政策研究中心(The Center for Education Policy Research,简称CEPR)是美国哈佛大学著名的研究中心之一。美国宾夕法尼亚大学公布的《2014年全球智库报告》、《2015年全球智库报告》关于教育政策领域的顶级智库排名中,教育政策研究中心连续两年排名第六。教育政策研究中心不仅建立了强大的关系网络,而且拥有人才资源和国家支持两大优势。通过开展众多项目,分析有关学校、教师和学生水平的数据,以解决教育政策中的难题,促进美国教育改革。本刊特约记者通过文献法和访谈法等多种途径,从该智库的运行概况、研究重点等几个方面进行呈现,以期对我国教育智库建设和发展有所启示。
Editor's note: The Center for Education Policy Research (CEPR) is one of the well-known Research Centers in Harvard University. In the 《2014 Global Go To Think Tanks Report》and 《2015 Global Go To Think Tanks Report》released by the University of Pennsylvania, in the top think-tank ranking on the field of education, CEPR was ranked the sixth for two consecutive years. CEPR has not only established a powerful network, but also had two advantages as talent resource and state support. Through many projects, it has given analysis on the data related to schools, teachers and students to solve the difficult problems in education policy, promoting education reform in the United States. Through several approaches like literature method and interview method, our special correspondent makes a comment on various aspects such as the general operation of the Think Tanks, the research focus etc. in order to provide enlightenments for the construction and development of an education think-tank in China.
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