
前十字韧带重建术后骨关节炎的研究进展 被引量:3

Research advances on the development of osteoarthritis after anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction
摘要 前十字韧带断裂是常见的膝关节运动损伤,断裂后可造成膝关节不稳,并导致创伤性骨关节炎。前十字韧带断裂后,临床上普遍采用前十字韧带重建术来恢复膝关节的前向稳定性,减少半月板和软骨继发损伤,改善膝关节的运动功能。长期的临床随访研究表明,重建前十字韧带后膝关节仍会发生退行性改变。传统的单束重建前十字韧带已经在临床应用多年,该方法可以有效恢复膝关节的前向稳定性,并已取得了较好的临床效果。但是,对于重建前十字韧带后能否减少骨关节炎的发生目前尚无一致性结论。采用骨-髌腱-骨重建前十字韧带20年后,61%的患者X线片示骨关节炎改变。近年来,随着对前十字韧带解剖和生物力学的进一步认识,重建前十字韧带的新术式不断涌现,包括双束重建、解剖重建和个体化重建,这些新术式能否更好地保护膝关节,减少前十字韧带重建术后骨关节炎的发生仍存争议。目前,各种手术技术均有其优势和局限性,尚无法准确评估哪种技术在重建前十字韧带后能在减少膝关节骨关节炎发生方面更具优势。未来对前十字韧带损伤的治疗,尤其是采用前十字韧带重建术后,不仅应注重恢复关节的前向和旋转稳定性,也应注重恢复膝关节关节软骨包括胫股关节和髌股关节的正常受力,尽可能避免和减少前十字韧带重建术后骨关节炎的发生。 Anterior cruciate ligament is the most important ligament to maintain the anterior and rotation stability of knee joint. Rupture of anterior cruciate ligament is one of the most common injuries of knee joint, and thus leads to knee instability and traumatic osteoarthritis. Anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction is usually performed to restore the anterior stability of knee joint, and is considered to reduce the secondary injury of medial meniscus, lateral meniscus and cartilage. Thus anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction can improve the function of knee joint. Traditional single bundle technique to reconstruct anterior cruciate ligament has been performed for many years. This technique can restore the anterior stability of knee joint and has excellent clini?cal results. Nearly 61%patients showed obvious radiographic osteoarthritis 20 years after anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction using bone-patella-bone graft. But, there is no agreement regarding to reduce the development of osteoarthritis after reconstruc?tion of anterior cruciate ligament. However, it has been reported that osteoarthritis would develop after reconstruction of anterior cruciate ligament in long term follow up study. Recently, with the further understanding of anatomy of biomechanics of anterior cru?ciate ligament, new techniques for anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction are developed, such as double bundle reconstruction, anatomic reconstruction and individual reconstruction. It remains controversial that whether these new technique can prevent the development of osteoarthritis after rupture of anterior cruciate ligament. Currently, no reconstruction technique for anterior cruci?ate ligament is perfect, and every technique has advantages and disadvantages. In terms of reducing the prevalence of osteoarthri?tis after reconstruction of anterior cruciate ligament, which technique is the best still remains unclear. New treatment and evalua?tion methods should be developed. In the future, not only the restoration of stability of knee joint should be considered, but also the articular cartilage contact kinematics including tibiofemoral joint and patellofemoral joint after anterior cruciate ligament recon?struction. Reduction of the development of osteoarthritis is an important topic after reconstruction of anterior cruciate ligament.
出处 《中华骨科杂志》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2016年第13期855-862,共8页 Chinese Journal of Orthopaedics
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