
在被动承接与自主探索之问:开发区商会的职能及发展研究 被引量:1

Between Passive Undertaking and Self-exploration:A Study of the Functions and Development of the Development Zone Chamber of Commerce
摘要 全面深化改革要求进一步转变政府职能,这意味着政府承担的较多的经济管理和服务职能将加快转移。商会则是承接这些职能的重要载体,而开发区商会的特殊性决定了它们在此进程中可以更灵活地发挥作用。中国商会主要有行业协会和民间商会两种。行业协会与政府关系密切,主要是被动承接政府外移的职能;民间商会的体制外特点更加突出,有一定自主探索的空间。开发区商会由于特殊的环境而兼具被动和自主两种特点。以天津开发区商会为例,它在实践中既可以利用与政府的紧密联系而承接政府移交的职能,又可以发挥其民间性特点,从企业和市场的角度主动探索并承担经济服务职能,因而在政府职能转变中发挥着更为积极的作用。 Further transformation of government functions is needed at the stage of comprehensively deepening the reform, and it means that those economic management and service functions of government will be transferred in an accelerative way. Chamber of Commerce is an important carrier to undertake these functions, and Development Zone Chamber of Commerce can play a more flexible role in this process particularly. Industry association and civil chamber of commerce are the two main forms of Chamber of Commerce in China. The industry associations are close to the government, and mainly undertake the functions transferred out of government. Civil chambers of commerce have some outside - system characteristics, and have a certain space of self - exploration. Development Zone chambers of commerce have the characteristics of both passive undertaking and self - exploration due to special environment. TEDA Chamber of Commerce can undertake functions transferred out of government owing to its close relationship with government, and also can assume some economic service functions based on its civil characteristic. So it can play a more positive role in the transformation of government functions.
作者 郭道久
出处 《中国行政管理》 CSSCI 北大核心 2016年第7期90-95,共6页 Chinese Public Administration
基金 中央高校基本科研业务费专项资金项目“社会组织参与社会管理的机制研究”(编号:NKZXB1482)
关键词 开发区商会 政府职能 被动承接 自主探索 development zone chamber of commerce, government function, passive undertaking, self - exploration
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