
正义感是人的首要美德--罗尔斯双重理性假设之考察 被引量:2

On the Sense of Justice Being the First Virtue of Humanity:John Rawls' s Dual Human Nature Hypothesis Revisited
摘要 针对罗尔斯提出正义理论属于理性选择理论的见解,批评者表示,罗尔斯是康德主义者,康德道德理性学说冲突于理性选择理论的理性人假设。罗尔斯在康德的道德人观念基础上构建一套细致的正义原则证明程序。他的两个基本理念"自由平等的道德人"理念和"社会合作体系的社会"理念,与理性选择理论倡导的理念截然不同。后者将社会视为基于个人理性的竞争性协调体系,生活于其中的理性人以追求效用最大化为目的。通过考察可知,罗尔斯提出的是一种双重理性假设,它既源于康德道德哲学,又超越康德道德哲学。单从理性选择视角批评罗尔斯正义原则的辩护逻辑有失偏颇。罗尔斯描绘了这样一个良序社会,正义感是生活于其中成员的首要美德;公平正义是自由平等且通情达理者的理性选择。罗尔斯晚年对公共理性的推崇,改变了其早期对个人理性的偏好,其公共理性观念是"通情达理的人"观念的发展。 John Raw ls argues that A Theory of Justice is a part of the theory of rational choice,w hich arouses many objections. Critics believe that Raw ls is a Kantian scholar,and his detailed justification of principles of justice is based on the conception of moral person from Kant's moral theory w hich conflicts w ith rational person assumption of the theory of rational choice. Raw ls' s tw o basic ideas——the idea of free and equal moral person and the idea of society as a fair system of cooperation——are entirely different from the idea that rational choice theorists advocate. The latter regards society as a competitive coordination system based on individual rationality w here rational actors pursue utility maximization. John Raw ls holds a dual human nature hypothesis,a person is'reasonable and rational',w hich derives from and goes beyond Kant's moral philosophy. It is unreasonable to criticize Raw ls' s justification on his principles of justice from the perspective of rational choice theory. Raw ls depicts a w ell-ordered society in w hich the sense of justice becomes the first virtue of its members,and fairness as justice is the rational choice of free and equal reasonable and rational persons. Raw ls changes his early preference on individual rationality into the emphasis on public reason in his later years,and his conception of public reason is a development of his conception of 'the reasonable and rational persons'.
出处 《吉林大学社会科学学报》 CSSCI 北大核心 2016年第4期152-159,192,共8页 Jilin University Journal Social Sciences Edition
基金 国家社会科学基金重点项目(13AZX016) 国家社会科学基金重大项目(14ZDB022)
关键词 罗尔斯 理性 合理性 通情达理 双重理性 正义感 公共理性 John Raw ls rational reasonable reasonable and rational the sense of justice public reason
  • 相关文献


  • 1Rawls J.Political Liberalism,Expanded Edition.New York:Columbia University Press,2005.
  • 2Rawls J.Justice as Fairness:A Restatement.Cambridge:Harvard University Press,2001.
  • 3金观涛:《观念史研究:中国现代重要政治术语的形成》,北京:法律出版社,2010年.
  • 4Rawls J.A Theory of Justice,Revised Edition.Cambridge:Harvard University Press,1999.
  • 5米勒,波格丹诺:《布莱克维尔政治学百科全书》,邓正来译,北京:中国政法大学出版社,2002年.
  • 6罗尔斯:《道德哲学史讲演录》,张国清译,台北:左岸文化出版社,2004年.
  • 7弗雷曼:《罗尔斯》,张国清译,北京:华夏出版社,2013年,第65—66页.
  • 8Rawls J.A Theory of Justice.Cambridge:Harvard University Press,1971.
  • 9Buchanan J M.Rawls on justice as fairness.Public Choice,1972,13(1):123-128.
  • 10Pettit P.A theory of justice?Theory and Decision,1974,4(3):311-324.


  • 1赵汀阳.冲突、合作与和谐的博弈哲学[J].世界经济与政治,2007(6):6-16. 被引量:47
  • 2迈克尔·莱斯诺夫等.《社会契约论》,南京:江苏人民出版社,2005年,第209页.
  • 3Barian Barry, "John Rawls and the Priority of Liberty, " in Chandran Kukathas, ed., John Rawls: Critical Assessments of Leading Political Philosophers, p. 56.
  • 4John Rawls, A Theory of Justice (Revised Edition), p. xii.
  • 5Justice as Fairness: A Restatement, p. xvi.
  • 6John Rawls, Justice as Fairness: A Restatement, p. 20.
  • 7John Rawls, Justice as Fairness: A Restatement, pp. 21-24.
  • 8John Rawls, Justice as Fairness: A Restatement, pp. 97-104.
  • 9John Rawls, A Theory of Justice (Revised Edition), pp. 103-104.
  • 10Samuel Freeman, "Introduction: John Rawls-An Overview," in The Cambridge Companion to Rawls, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2003, p. 36.












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