
中医药治疗缓慢性心律失常症药关系研究 被引量:21

Study on Symptom-herb Relationship in Chinese Medicine Treatment Slow Arrhythmia
摘要 目的基于关联规则分析中医药治疗缓慢性心律失常症状与药物间的关联关系。方法检索中国生物医学文献数据库、重庆维普中文数据库、中国期刊全文数据库、万方数据库,收集1990年1月至2013年12月中医药治疗缓慢性心律失常相关文献,提取症状、药物等相关信息建立中医药治疗缓慢性心律失常临床文献数据库。以Python作为数据预处理语言,以Apriori算法作为关联规则挖掘的算法依据,分析相关症状和药物的频繁项集及关联规则。结果共纳入文献778篇,使用药物360味。药物一元频繁项集频数最高者为附子(514),二元频繁项集频数最高者为丹参、甘草(440),三元频繁项集频数最高者为黄芪、桂枝、甘草(196);症状一元频繁项集频数最高者为心悸(708),二元频繁项集频数最高者为胸闷、心悸(578),三元频繁项集频数最高者为气短、胸闷、心悸(372)。关联规则表明,出现胸闷、心悸时使用甘草、附子、桂枝、丹参、麦冬;出现气短、胸闷时使用甘草、附子、桂枝;出现乏力、心悸时使用甘草、附子、黄芪;出现乏力、胸闷时使用附子、甘草;出现气短、胸闷、心悸时使用甘草、桂枝、附子;出现乏力、胸闷、心悸时使用甘草、附子、桂枝。结论缓慢性心律失常治疗以温阳、补益、活血为主,其核心症状心悸、胸闷采用的核心药物为附子、桂枝、黄芪、丹参、甘草。 Objective To analyze the association between symptoms and herbs in the treatment of slow arrhythmia based on association rules with Chinese medicine. Methods Chinese Biological Medical Literature Database on disc,Chongqing VIP China Base,Journal Full-Text Database of China National Knowledge Infrastructure and Wan Fang Data were searched to collect the related literature on Chinese medicine treatment of slow arrhythmia published from January,1990 to December,2013. Related information,such as symptoms,herbs,etc. was extracted to build a clinical literature database of Chinese medicine treatment of slow arrhythmia. Python was taken as data preprocessing language. Apriori algorithm was taken as algorithm basis of association rule mining. Frequent item sets and association rules of related symptoms and herbs were analyzed. Results Totally 778 papers were included,with 360 herbs used. The herb with top frequency of frequent item set with one variable was Fuzi [Radix Aconiti Lateralis Preparata,附子]( 514). The herbs with top frequency of frequent item set with two variables were Danshen [Radix Salviae Miltiorrhizae,丹参] and Gancao [Radix liquiritiae,甘草]( 440). The herbs with top frequency of frequent item set with three variables were Huangqi [Astragalus mongholicus,黄芪],Guizhi [cassia twig,桂枝]and Gancao( 196). The symptom with top frequency of frequent item set with one variable was palpitation( 708). The symptoms with top frequency of frequent item set with two variables were chest distress and palpitation( 578). The symptoms with top frequency of frequent item set with three variables were short breath,chest distress and palpitation( 372).Association rules showed that chest distress and palpitation were treated by Gancao,Fuzi,Guizhi,Danshen and Maidong [Radix Ophiopogonis,麦冬]. Short breath and chest distress were treated by Gancao,Fuzi and Guizhi.Fatigue and palpitation were treated by Gancao,Fuzi and Huangqi. Fatigue and chest distress were treated by Fuzi and Gancao. Short breath,chest distress and palpitation were treated by Gancao,Guizhi and Fuzi. Fatigue,chest distress and palpitation were treated by Gancao,Fuzi and Guizhi. Conclusion The treatment of slow arrhythmia is mainly warming Yang,invigorating and promoting blood circulation. The core symptoms of palpitation and chest distress are treated by core herbs of Fuzi,Guizhi,Huangqi,Danshen and Gancao.
作者 张聪 侯平
出处 《中医杂志》 CSCD 北大核心 2016年第14期1247-1250,共4页 Journal of Traditional Chinese Medicine
关键词 缓慢性心律失常 药症关系 关联规则 数据挖掘 slow arrhythmia symptom-herb relationship association rule data mining
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