

Risk Prevention Research of China's Enterprises Outward Foreign Direct Investment during the Construction of the Silk Road Economic Belt——Based on Analysis of the Economic Situation of the Silk Road Countries
摘要 丝绸之路经济带建设飞速发展,中国企业对该领域的直接投资不断增加。丝路沿线核心国家经济规模较小、贸易规模不大、交通设施落后等状况给直接投资带来严重影响。降低直接投资风险,基于国家层面要加强地缘优势和共赢目的宣传、在签订双边投资合作协议时注重对等开放市场;基于企业层面要做好贸易与投资相互替代、积极履行企业的社会责任。 With the rapid development of silk road belt economic construction, the China's enterprise outward direct investment in this area increased rapidly. Major countries along the silk road, the scale of economy and trade is small, the traffic facilities is backward . It has serious impact on the direct investment. If we want to reduce the risk of direct investment, based on the national level, we should strengthen propaganda geographical advantages and win - win purpose, we shoud pay attention to peer open markets when the bilateral investment cooperation agreement; Based on the enterprise level, employees should prepare for trade and investment alternative to each other, and fulfill the social responsibility actively.
作者 贺宁华
出处 《经济体制改革》 CSSCI 北大核心 2016年第4期133-138,共6页 Reform of Economic System
基金 国家社会科学基金西部项目“丝绸之路经济带建设中我国企业对外直接投资风险防范研究”(14XGJ011)的阶段性成果
关键词 丝绸之路 OFDI 经济风险 防范策略 silk road OFDI economic risks prevention strategies
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