
锑及其化合物的职业接触生物限值研究 被引量:2

Study on biological limit value for occupational exposure to antimony and its compounds
摘要 目的探讨我国锑及其化合物的职业接触生物限值。方法选择广西地区一家锑白粉(Sb2O3)加工厂和一家锑矿冶炼厂的办公室行政人员33名作为对照组;83名工作场所工人作为接触组,采集并检测空气样品和生物样品(尿样),对检测结果进行统计分析。结果两厂均存在接触组空气中锑及其化合物浓度高于对照组,差异有统计学意义(P<0.01);两厂均存在接触组班末尿锑浓度高于对照组的情况,差异有统计学意义(P<0.01);全体调查对象接触空气中锑及其化合物的浓度与班末尿锑浓度间存在良好的相关关系(n=116,r>0.5);班末尿锑浓度经对数正态性转换后与空气中锑及其化合物浓度做直线回归分析,把职业接触限值(PC-TWA:0.5mg/m3)代入回归方程,推算出班末尿锑浓度为60或85μg/g肌酐。结论建议锑及其化合物的职业接触生物限值为班末尿锑60或85μg/g肌酐。 Objective To study biological limit value for occupational exposure to antimony and its compounds in China.Methods In Guangxi Province,33 office administrations as the control group and 83 workers in the workplace as the contact group were selected from an antimony oxide powder(Sb2 O3)processing factory and an antimony smelting factory.The air samples were collected and biological samples(urine)were detected.Results In two factories,the concentration of antimony and its compounds in the air of the contact group was higher than the control group,the difference was statistically significant(P 〈0.001).The concentration of urine antimony at the end of shift of the contact group was higher than the control group,the difference was statistically significant(P〈0.001).There was a good correlation between the concentration of antimony and its compounds in the air and the concentration of urine antimony at the end of shift(n=116,r〉0.5).Linear regression analysis was conducted between the concentration of urine antimony at the end of shift after log-transformation and the concentration of antimony and its compounds in the air,then the occupational exposure limits(PC-TWA:0.5mg/m3)was substituted into the regression equation.The concentration of urine antimony at the end of shift was calculated was 60 or 85μg/g creatinine.Conclusions It was suggested that biological limit value for occupational exposure to antimony and its compounds is 60 or 85μg/g creatinine.
出处 《工业卫生与职业病》 CAS 2016年第4期260-263,共4页 Industrial Health and Occupational Diseases
基金 国家卫生计生委2014年卫生标准制(修)订项目(20140709) 武汉市卫生计生委2015年项目(WG15D13)
关键词 锑及其化合物 职业接触生物限值 Antimony and its compounds Biological limit value for occupational exposure
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