
词汇语义相关性度量研究 被引量:8

Research of Lexical Semantic Relatedness Measurement
摘要 研究的目的是对词汇语义相关性度量方法进行深入地分析与总结,以期为进一步的研究指明方向。首先,介绍了词汇语义相关性的定义和研究意义;然后,对国内外具有代表性词汇语义相关性度量方法进行了分类研究,重点介绍了这些度量方法的理论基础、关键技术、计算性能及应用领域;最后,对一些典型的词汇语义相关性度量方法进行了比较与总结,并指出词汇语义相关性度量的现有研究成果和可能的发展方向。 The goal of this paper is to give an in-depth study of lexical semantic relatedness measurement in order to facilitate further research. First of all, the definition and significance of lexical semantic relatedness is introduced. Then, a classified review of the existing lexical semantic relatedness methods at home and abroad is proposed, focusing on the theoretical basis, key technologies, experimental results, computing performance and application domains of these metrics. Finally, some representative lexical semantic relatedness methods are compared and summarized, at the same time the existing issues and future research directions in this field are pointed out.
出处 《情报学报》 CSSCI 北大核心 2016年第4期389-404,共16页 Journal of the China Society for Scientific and Technical Information
基金 国家自然科学基金项目(61402336) 国家教育部科学基金项目(14YJCZH152) 浙江省科技计划项目(2013C31138)
关键词 语义相关性 语义相似性 分布相关性 自然语言处理 《知网》 WORDNET W.kipedia semantic relatedness, semantic similarity, distribution correlation, natural language processing, howNet, wordNet, wikipedia
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