
基于SFA方法的中国医药制造业创新效率评价 被引量:14

Evaluation of innovation efficiency of pharmaceutical manufacturing industry in China based on SFA
摘要 本文运用SFA方法,对中国28个省(自治区、直辖市)(不包括青海、新疆和西藏)医药制造业创新效率、指标弹性和环境因素进行分析。结果表明,2009—2013年中国医药制造业创新效率平均值为0.906,呈现震荡上升的趋势,地区间差距较大;R&D人员折合全时当量和R&D经费内部支出的产出弹性分别为-0.347和0.707,在1%水平下显著;研发机构数、政府资金的影响系数分别为-1.339和0.159,分别在1%和10%水平下显著,GDP、企业数2个环境因素影响不显著。即中国医药制造业创新效率分别在财力和人力投入的积极与消极作用下震荡提高,科技环境对其有积极影响,政策环境不利于其提高,经济环境与市场环境对其影响不显著。 SFA method was employed in our study to analyze the innovation efficiency,index elasticity and environmental factors collected in 28 provinces( except for Qinghai,Xinjiang and Xizang) from 2009 to 2013. We tried to explore the environmental factors affecting the development of industrial innovation,and to provide the theoretical foundation and scientific basis for the realization of industry transformation. We found that the average innovation efficiency of Chinese pharmaceutical manufacturing industry was 0. 906,showing unstable upward tendency and remarkable regional differences. Output elasticity of RD personal full-time equivalent and fund interior expenditure is- 0. 347 and 0. 707,respectively,which is significant under 1% level. The influence coefficient of RD institution number and government fund was- 1. 339 and 0. 159,respectively,which is significantly under 1% and 10% levels. The influence of GDP and factories number is not significant. The innovation efficiency of Chinese pharmaceutical manufacturing industries increased wavelike by positive financial resources and negative human input. Besides,scientific environment shows positive influence and policy environment shows negative effects. Economic and market environment did not show significant effects.
机构地区 沈阳药科大学
出处 《中国新药杂志》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2016年第13期1461-1465,共5页 Chinese Journal of New Drugs
基金 国家"重大新药创制"科技重大专项(2013ZX09301305) 辽宁省科学技术计划项目(2013226027)
关键词 医药制造业 创新效率 SFA方法 pharmaceutical manufacture industry innovation efficiency SFA method
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