
民族影视研究扬帆起航——第二届中国民族影视高层论坛综述 被引量:1

The Research of Ethnic Visual Art Sets Sail from Here——A Review of the Second Forum of the Ethnic Visual Art
摘要 由中国高校影视学会主办的第二届中国民族影视高层论坛于2016年5月13—15日在中南民族大学举行,来自全国60余所高校的130多名代表出席了中国高校影视学会和中国高校影视研究的这个里程碑式会议。论坛的主要成果是成立了中国高校影视学会民族影视专业委员会(国家二级学会),该组织机构的成立为民族影视研究学术共同体搭建了一个新的平台;正式提出建构民族影视学科体系,以民族影视基础理论研究、应用理论研究和史学研究构成学科的基本框架;围绕"新媒体语境下的民族影视""民族影视传播与国家发展战略""民族影视与民族文化传播"和"民族影视文本阐释与意义生产"四个主题展开学术讨论。 On 13 May, 2016, the Second Forum of Ethnic Visual Art sponsored by Chinese Collegial Association for Visual Art was successfully held in the South - central University for Nationalities and it lasted for three days from 13 to 15 May. 130 representatives from over 60 universities around the whole country were present in this milestones forum specializing in Association for Visual Art. Generally speaking the research of ethnic visual art directed by Chinese Collegial , certain achievements have been obtained. Firstly, the pro- fessional Committee of Ethnic Visual Art( a national vice - senior academy) subordinated to the Chinese Collegial Association for Visual Art was established, setting up a brand - new stage of ethnic visual art re.search. Secondly, the construction of disciplinary system of ethnic visual art was formally put forward. And the basic framework mainly consists of three aspects relevant to ethnic visual art, including the research of the funda- mental theory, applied theory and historical research. Ultimately, the forum provided a chance for numerous scholars to exchange their thoughts and academic ideas. Focusing on four themes, this forum discussed the ethnic visual art in the context of new media, the dissemination of ethnic visual art and national development strategies, ethnic visual art and the dissemination of ethnic culture, and the interpretation of texts of ethnic visual art and the production of the significance. In short, all of these achievements have made this academic communication of ethnic visual art a historic event.
作者 黄迎新 林柳
出处 《民族艺术研究》 CSSCI 2016年第3期102-107,共6页 Ethnic Art Studies
基金 中南民族大学中央科研基金项目"‘一带一路’战略视阈下我国南方边疆少数民族文化影像传播"(项目编号:CSW15017)的阶段性研究成果~~
关键词 民族影视学科 民族文化传播 中国高校影视学会 民族影视专业委员会 the discipline of ethnic visual art, dissemination of ethnic culture, Chinese Collegial Associationfor Visual Art, Professional Committee of Ethnic Visual Art
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