
曲直之别--对北宋官窑之传统文献再解读 被引量:1

“Difference between Curve and Straight”:A new Interpretation on Traditional Literature of Northern Song Royal Kilns
摘要 有关北宋官窑的传统文献非常少,仅仅依靠极少的相关文献来推断北宋官窑的存在,而且要确定其窑址所在地就在今天的开封更是难以论证,目前缺少窑址的发掘以形成完整的证据链来加以证实,因此,一直备受陶瓷学界关注的北宋官窑窑址的遗留问题因为开封的特殊地质而成为学界多年的"悬案"。已故老陶瓷考古学者冯先铭先生为代表的老一辈学者认为北宋官窑在开封。以李辉炳先生为代表的新一代陶瓷考古学者否定北宋官窑在汴京开封,同时又肯定了汝窑就是北宋官窑。李辉柄先生的主要依据是通过对传统文献解读中的质疑。这在学界引起了轩然大波,并因此导致北宋官窑窑址争论战和地方陶瓷产业品牌的争夺战。这两种观点所产生的结果相去甚远犹如曲直之别。文章就李辉炳先生提出的五个推翻北宋官窑遗址在开封的理由进行再解读,对他提出的否定北宋官窑在汴京的一些理由进行分析,发现其观点存在不同程度的曲解和自相矛盾的地方,且"北宋官窑是官汝窑"的结论也过于草率。 Traditional literature about the "royal kilns" of the Northern Song Dynasty is rare. It is difficult to prove and claim that the royal kilns of the Northern .Song Dynasty did exist and were located in modern Kaifeng city. At the present, there are no excavations of royal kiln sites that can form sound chain of evidence to prove it. Thus, the location of the historical sites of royal kilns of the Northern Song Dynasty has always been highly focused in the field of ceramics and remains an "unsettled case". The older generation of scholars, represented by Feng Xianming, the late ceramics and archaeological scholar, hold the view that the site of the royal kilns of the Northern Song Dynasty were in Kaifeng, while the new generation of scholars of ceramics and archaeology, represented by Li Huibing, denied it and maintain that Ruzhou kilns were the royal kilns of the Northern Song Dynasty. Li Huibing supported his view mainly by questioning the interpretation of traditional literature. This caused great controversy in the field of ceramics, and led to the fierce debate about the location of royal kiln sites of the Northern Song Dynasty and the industrial battle among local ceramic brands. The results of these two perspectives are totally opposite like"the difference between curve and straight". The paper provides a new interpretation of Li Huibing's five reasons why he denied the fact that the site of the royal kilns of the Northern Song Dynasty were in Kaifeng, analyzes these reasons, and finds that there are some contradictory and somewhat distorted points in his point of view and that his conclusion - Ruzhou kilns were the royal kilns of the Northern Song Dynasty - is too hasty.
作者 李政 刘丹妮
出处 《民族艺术研究》 CSSCI 2016年第3期137-143,共7页 Ethnic Art Studies
关键词 北宋官窑 传统文献 京师 汝州 官汝窑 Northern Song royal kiln traditional literature capital ( Jing Shi), Ruzhou Ruzhouofficial kilns
  • 相关文献


  • 1李辉柄.宋代官窑瓷器[M·.北京:紫禁城出版社,1993.
  • 2马冀良,马冀武.中国陶瓷艺术大典.清乾隆后刻铭,2009.
  • 3宋·叶真.《垣斋笔衡》,《辍耕录》卷第二十九《窑器》.津逮秘书本.
  • 4宋·刘克《诗说·公刘》卷十宋刻本.
  • 5清·马瑞辰《毛诗传笺通释》卷二十五清道光十五年学古堂刻本.
  • 6汉·何休.《春秋公羊传注疏》春秋公羊注疏宣公卷第十六清阮刻十三经注疏本..
  • 7唐·韩愈.《昌黎先生文集》昌黎先生文集卷第三十七宋蜀本.
  • 8周·左秋明.《春秋左傅正义》附释音春秋左传注疏卷第九清阮刻十三经注疏本.
  • 9汉·司马迁《史记》卷一百六清乾隆武英殿刻本.
  • 10元·马端临.《文献通考》卷十四征榷考一清浙江书局本.










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