咳嗽是中医临床常见病证。该证既可以单独为病,也可伴随其他疾病出现,而且常反复发作,缠绵难愈,给患者带来很大痛苦。近年来,中医药工作者经过不懈地努力,在治疗咳嗽方面取得了很大成就,医家们通过临床试验和研究,对咳嗽的病因、病机、辨证分型、内外治法、辅助治疗以及康复、护理等多方面进行大量的临床分析和探讨,总结出宝贵的临床经验,对指导临床预防咳嗽发生和治疗咳嗽具有重要意义。大量的临床资料表明,采用中医药通过内服、外治方法 ,对治疗咳嗽具有良好的功效,同时在预防咳嗽发病中具有明显优势。但是,在治疗规范上还存有一定的欠缺,有待医学界在今后的努力中进一步完善。
Cough is a common syndrome in Traditional Chinese Medicine. It can be a single disease or an accompanied symptom to other diseases. As a repeatedly occurring syndrome, cough is difficult to heal, thus bringing mueh trouble to the patients, and even inflicting people's work and life. In recent years, by the unremitting efforts of doctors, significant progress has been achieved in curing eough by applying Traditional Chinese Medicine. Through clinical trials and study, doctors have conducted a huge amount of clinical analysis and discussion in the cause of disease, pathogenesis, classifying of syndromes, treatment via internal and external method, supplemental7 treatment and rehabilitative therapy. Based on this, valuable clinical experience was collected, which has made a significantly positive impact to the prevention and the treatment in cough. Abundant clinical data have showed that applying internal and external treatment in Traditional Chinese Medicine has achieved greatly in curing the Cough. Meanwhile, it also has obvious advantage in the prevention of the Cough. However, there are some limitations of Traditional Chinese Medicines in compliance with treatment regulations that need to be improved.
Chinese Journal of Urban and Rural Enterprise Hygiene
Traditional Chinese Medicines