
多重分形理论在非常规气藏的应用 被引量:1

Application of the Multi-fractal Theory in Describing Unconventional Reservoir Characteristics
摘要 针对非常规储层的裂缝分布问题,提出了运用多重分形理论对储层特征进行描述。根据电镜扫描图像,运用Matlab对图像的处理,可以确定出某个地区的页岩结构的多重分形谱函数。通过对多重分形谱函数的分析得到该地区多重分形谱的容量维数,即是在标度指数取得某一定值时,多重分形谱的最大值。同时还确定了多重分形谱的谱宽和不对称程度。经过实验和数学方法的分析,可以发现多重分形方法能更清晰地描述出非常规储层的特征,是以后研究非常规储层裂缝发育特征的一种新方法。 In view of the problem of crack distribution in the unconventional reservoir, a method to describe reservoir characteristics by the multi-fractal theory was proposed. The SEM image was processed with Matlab to obtain the function of multi-fractal spectrum of shale fracture structure in this area. The capacity dimension of multi-fractal spectrum in the area was got through analysis of the multi-fractal spectrum function, which is the maximum value of multi-fractal spectrum when the scaling exponent is certain. At the same time, the spectrum width and the degree of asymmetry of the multifractal spectrum were also determined. According to the experiment and analysis of mathematical methods, it's pointed out that the multi-fractal method can well describe the characteristics of the unconventional reservoir; it is a new method for study of fracture features of the unconventional reservoir.
作者 张来娣
出处 《辽宁化工》 CAS 2016年第6期777-778,781,共3页 Liaoning Chemical Industry
关键词 页岩孔裂隙结构 SEM电镜扫描实验 多重分形 shale pore structure SEM scanning electron microscope experiment multi-fractal
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