

A model for lepton mass spectra and flavor mixing under S_3 flavor symmetry
摘要 为解释轻子质量谱和中微子味混合模式,从味对称性出发,构造一个简单的基于S3味对称性的type-Ⅱ跷跷板模型.在模型中,假设轻子质量矩阵具有S3味对称性,并且该对称性可经由破缺链S3→Z2→φ显示破缺.计算得到与最新实验数据符合较好的中微子振荡混合角(θ12,θ23和θ13)和最大的Dirac CP破坏相角δ≈270°. We propose a simple model for the lepton mass spectra and flavor mixing by combining the S3 flavor symmetry with type- II seesaw mechanism. To obtain the observed mass spectra and mixing patterns of lepton sector,the explicit flavor symmetry breaking chain S3→ Z2→ φ is considered. It is shown that this ansatz can naturally allow the three neutrino mixing angles( i. e.,θ12,θ23,and θ13) to be in good agreement with the current experiment data and the maximal Dirac CP-violating phase δ≈270° indicated by recent experiments.
出处 《中国科学院大学学报(中英文)》 CSCD 北大核心 2016年第4期468-476,共9页 Journal of University of Chinese Academy of Sciences
基金 Supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China(11275263)
关键词 轻子质量谱 轻子味混合 味对称性 跷跷板机制 lepton mass spectra lepton flavor mixing flavor symmetry seesaw mechanism
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