
兰州城区孕妇碘营养状况分析 被引量:3

Analysis of the iodine nutritional status of pregnant women in the city of Lanzhou
摘要 目的调查兰州城区孕妇碘营养状况,为这一地区孕妇科学补碘提供依据。方法随机选择2014年6月至2016年2月自愿在甘肃省妇幼保健院进行围产保健,并长期居住在兰州市城区的孕妇1 127例,测定其空腹尿碘水平,并且分析尿碘水平是否受孕妇年龄、孕期及孕妇孕前体重指数的影响。结果兰州城区孕妇缺碘情况严重,缺碘率达70.19%。不同年龄孕妇的轻度碘缺乏率、碘充足率以及碘超足量率之间比较没有统计学差异(χ2值分别为1.05、0.69、3.93,均P>0.05)。不同孕期孕妇的轻度碘缺乏率、碘充足率以及碘超足量率之间比较无统计学差异(χ2值分别为0.18、0.43、1.08,均P>0.05)。不同孕前体重指数孕妇的轻度碘缺乏率、碘充足率以及碘超足量率之间比较无统计学差异(χ2值分别为1.89、0.57、7.93,均P>0.05)。结论应当加强这一地区孕妇的碘营养状况监测及科学补碘,以提高人口质量。 Objective To investigate the iodine nutritional status of pregnant women in the city of Lanzhou aiming to provide basis for scientific supplement iodine for pregnant women in the region. Methods From June 2014 to February 2016,totally 1 127 pregnant women willing to take perinatal health care examination in Maternal and Child Health Care Hospital of Gansu Province were randomly selected,who lived in the city of Lanzhou for a long time. The fasting urine iodine levels of these cases were measured,and analysis was conducted to explore the correlation between urine iodine level and maternal age,gestational age and progestational body mass index. Results The lack of iodine in the city was severe,and the iodine deficiency rate was 70. 19%. In pregnant women of different ages,there was no statistical difference in mild iodine deficiency rate,iodine adequacy rate or iodine excessive adequate rate( χ2value was 1. 05,0. 69 and3. 93,respectively,all P〉0. 05). The differences among pregnant women at different gestational age were also not significant in mild iodine deficiency rate,iodine adequacy rate and iodine excessive adequate rate( χ2value was 0. 18,0. 43 and 1. 08,respectively,all P〉0. 05). The differences among women with different progestational body mass index were not significant( χ2value was 1. 89,0. 57 and7. 93,respectively,all P〉0. 05). Conclusion Monitoring iodine nutritional status of pregnant women and scientific supplement iodine should be enhanced in the area so as to improve population quality.
出处 《中国妇幼健康研究》 2016年第6期712-714,共3页 Chinese Journal of Woman and Child Health Research
基金 甘肃省科技支撑计划-社会发展类资助项目(项目编号:144FKCA068)
关键词 碘营养状况 孕妇 兰州城区 年龄 孕期 体重指数 iodine nutritional status pregnant women the city of Lanzhou age gestational age body mass index
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