The contemporary study of Bao Shichen is in the majority of his calligraphy thought, but the technique theory is less. Bao Shichen has always been considered praised monument and learning copybook,through monument to study copybook,respected Pu Hao(the Chinese brushes will be scattered When writing down) and despised Guo Hao(Against the writing direction to draw).But he still inherited the calligraphy "law" concept in the dynasties of Emperors Qianlong and Jiaqing.From the analysed about thetheory of Bao Shichen "Ni Ru Ping Chu",then discussed the Calligraphy art skills and aesthetic dialectical features,on this basis of he attached importance to the "Law".In the end, it shows the close relationship between technique and aesthetic appreciation.
教育部人文社会科学研究规划项目 项目编号:13YJA760004
bao shichen
theory of "nirupingchu"(painting in reverse)
theory of"line in the drawings"
theory of"beginning against the chinese brush"
theory of "pingman"(flating)
theory of"xingchujieliu
liuc hujiexing"(the drawing and intended blank were harmonious nuity)