
骨髓水肿综合征研究进展 被引量:8

The Research Progress of Bone Marrow Edema Syndrome
摘要 骨髓水肿综合征是一种临床少见且发病机制尚不明确的疾病,该病常累及髋、膝及踝关节三处,其中以髋关节最为常见。其为自限性疾病,以病变关节处疼痛、活动受限为主要症状。对于该病的诊断要结合临床症状及影像学诊断,但由于对该病认识的不足,该病常被误诊漏诊。对其目前研究现状做一综述,以期为临床诊疗提供参考。 Bone marrow edema syndrome(BMES)is a rare clinical disease,and it's pathogenesis is not clear.The disease often involving three places.they are the knee,the ankle,and the hip which is the most common effected place.BMES is self-limited disease,and the disease often is with lesions joints pain,limited mobility as the main symptoms.For the diagnosis combined with clinical symptoms and imaging diagnosis of the disease,but due to the lack of understanding of the disease,misdiagnosis and the diagnosis of the disease was often misdiagnosed.this paper reviews a current research of BMES which is hope to provide reference for clinical diagnosis and treatment.
出处 《亚太传统医药》 2016年第13期51-53,共3页 Asia-Pacific Traditional Medicine
基金 国家中医药管理局"平乐郭氏正骨流派传承工作室"建设项目([2012]228) 河南省科技厅"国家非物质文化遗产-平乐郭氏正骨术的系统研究与开发"项目(112102310008) 河南省中医管理局"河南省中医临床学科领军人才培育计划"项目(HNZYLJ201301009)
关键词 骨髓水肿综合征 骨髓水肿 研究进展 Bone Marrow Edema Syndrome(BMES) Bone Marrow Edema The Research Progress
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