
异地综合试验互联网络技术研究 被引量:1

Research on Distributed Test Interconnection Netwark Techonlogy
摘要 文中以民用飞机电子系统的试验互联体系为例,介绍了一种试验互联网络设计技术。针对在大型复杂电子系统研发过程中,分布式试验设施之间测试信号传输需满足传输时延和品质保真的要求,采用基于光纤互联网络的多电信号适配技术,通过核心部件光纤交换机和信号中继转换装置构建了可级联扩展的试验互联网络体系。根据对原型系统的测试分析表明,在确保信号传输品质的情况下,在500 m传输范围内试验互联网络对典型信号的延时一般不超过60μs。 This paper takes the test interconnection system of the civil avionics system as an example to introduce a design technique of the test interconnection network. In the process of large and complex electronic system development,it is always a necessary step to implement interconnection project among distributed test facility to meet transmission quality and delay requirement of the test signals. The extensible test interconnection network showed in this paper adopts multi electrical signal adaptation technology based on optical fiber network,and the network is constructed by the core equipment: fiber switch and signal conversion device. Finally the test analysis of the prototype system shows that in the case of ensuring the quality of the signal,the transmission delay is no more than 60μs.
作者 郭晓燕
出处 《电子科技》 2016年第7期147-150,155,共5页 Electronic Science and Technology
关键词 试验互联网络 光纤交换机 A/D D/A interconnect network of test facilities fiber switch A/D D/A
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