
福建桂峰村古建民居的建筑物理环境测试与分析 被引量:9

Test and Analysis on the Architectural Physical Environment of the Ancient Dwellings in Guifeng Village,Fujian Province
摘要 福建省三明市桂峰村古建民居,多为清初建筑,具有很高的研究和保护价值。分别在冬季和夏季进行了民居室内外物理环境测试,具体内容包括室外气象参数、村落室外风环境、民居室内热环境和光环境等。测试结果表明,村落冬季室外风速适宜,街巷风环境良好,夏季街巷风速偏小,但村口的休闲亭风速较大,为村民提供了适宜的纳凉聚会场所。冬季,民居大厅和卧室在其主要使用时段较为舒适,达到Ⅱ级热湿环境标准。夏季,民居大厅在白天大部分时段过热,但在夜晚较为舒适,而卧室全天较舒适,达到Ⅱ级热湿环境标准。朝向对民居室内热环境的影响较大,南北朝向较东西朝向好,可获得冬暖夏凉的效果。民居冬夏的室内相对湿度较高,不利于人体的舒适和健康,平均辐射温度与气温接近,热辐射作用不明显,自然通风较弱。另外,民居大厅在全年的主要使用时段采光充足,而民居卧室的采光不足。与新宅相比,因开敞设计和较差的气密性,民居大厅和卧室的气温波动幅度较大。这在冬夏分别起到不同作用。冬季提高了大厅日间气温,但使得卧室夜间气温偏低,夏季使得大厅日间气温偏高,同时有效降低了卧室夜间气温。桂峰村古建民居可考虑如下改造方案:增加可调节式遮阳设施,提高内隔墙和门窗气密性,适当加大卧室开窗面积以及加设通风窗等。桂峰村民居的山地型聚落空间形态、街巷系统和遮阳设计方法可为现代民居设计提供有益参考。 Most of the ancient dwellings in Guifeng village,Sanming City,Fujian province were built in Qing dynasty and have very high research and conservation values. A field test was conducted on the architectural physical environments of the dwellings in both winter and summer,primarily involving the outdoor meteorological parameters,the outdoor wind environment of the village,and the indoor thermal and light environments of the dwellings. The results show that the outdoor wind speed in the village was comfortable and the wind in the alley was favorable in winter. The wind speed in the alley was low in summer,but the wind speed at the entrance of the village was higher,making the pavilion there a cool place for relaxation and gatherings. In winter,the hall and bedroom were comfortable during their occupation and met Level-II thermal environmental standard. In summer,it was overheated in the daytime,but comfortable at night in the hall,and the indoor thermal environment was comfortable and met Level-II environmental standard throughout the day in the bedroom. Orientation had an influence on the indoor thermal environment. In particular,north-south orientation was better than east-west orientation,since it could help keep warm in winter and cool in summer. The high indoor air humidity in the ancient dwellings in both winter and summer might have disadvantageous impacts on human comfort and health,and the mean radiant temperature was close to the air temperature,and the natural ventilation was weak. Light was relatively sufficient in the hall all year round,but insufficient in the bedroom. Because of the open design and lowair tightness,the daily changes of indoor air temperatures in the hall and bedroom of the ancient dwellings were much bigger than that of modern buildings,which produced various effects in winter and summer. It warmed the hall in the daytime but made the bedroom colder at night in winter,and cooled the bedroom at night but heated the hall in the daytime in summer. A feasible renovation scheme for Guifeng village is shown as follows: Adopt adjustable shading facilities to improve the airtightness of the internal partition walls,doors and windows,increase the area of bedroom windows appropriately,mount ventilation windows and so on. The spatial form of mountain settlements,street system and shading design in Guifeng village can serve as useful references for modern residential building design.
出处 《建筑科学》 CSCD 北大核心 2016年第6期14-20,71,共8页 Building Science
基金 "十二五"国家科技支撑计划基金资助项目"传统古建聚落规划改造提升关键技术研究与示范"(2012BAJ14B05) 国家自然科学基金资助项目"湿热地区风扇空调动态联控技术研究"(51208110) 华南理工大学亚热带建筑科学国家重点实验室开放项目"风扇空调动态联控下的热环境与节能研究"(2013KB08)
关键词 古建民居 建筑物理环境 古建改造 山地聚落 ancient dwellings architectural physical environment ancient architecture renovation mountain settlements
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