目的:研究乙型肝炎病毒(hepatitis B virus,HBV)感染相关性肝癌(hepatocellular carcinoma,HCC)中HBV共价闭合环状DNA(covalently closed circular DNA,ccc DNA)水平与突变关系。方法:运用特异性荧光定量PCR定量分析了12例肝癌组织和癌旁组织中乙肝病毒复制水平的表征因子HBV ccc DNA,HBV total DNA及前基因组RNA(pregenome RNA,pg RNA)的表达水平,再用滚环扩增(rolling circle amplification,RCA)特异性扩增癌组织中HBV ccc DNA,测序分析了病毒基因组4个编码调控区域pre C/C、RT、X、pre S中ccc DNA序列的突变。最后检测了肿瘤组织ccc DNA的AP位点。结果:HBV ccc DNA在癌组织的表达水平明显低于癌旁组织(3.32 copies/cell vs.9.64 copies/cell,P=0.029),但是HBV总DNA和pg RNA的表达没有明显差异(16.94 copies/cell vs.12.18 copies/cell,P=0.325,75.54 copies/cell vs.22.46 copies/cell,P=0.128);在肝癌组织中,HBV ccc DNA pre C/C和X区间,G-A突变是主要的突变类型;其次,pre C/C和X区域发生G-A突变的位置上,均更倾向于GA二联核苷酸组合方式,在肝癌中所占比例为37.1%和40%。最后,肿瘤组织中APE1酶处理后,HBV ccc DNA水平明显下降(1 011 copies/μl vs.501.8 copies/μl,P=0.058)。结论:HBV ccc DNA水平在癌组织中明显低于癌旁组织,可能与癌组织中HBV ccc DNA发生大量GA突变及形成的AP位点有关。
Objective:To analyze the association between intrahepatic levels and mutation of hepatitis B virus covalently closed circular DNA(HBV ccc DNA)in hepatitis B virus-related hepatocellular carcinoma. Methods:The levels of intrahepatic HBV ccc DNA,HBV total DNA and pg RNA were measured by real-time quantitative PCR. Intrahepatic ccc DNA was amplified by rolling circle amplification(RCA),and the pre C/C,RT,X,pre S region of ccc DNA were sequenced. Finally,the AP sites of intrahepatic ccc DNA in cancerous tissues were measured. Results:The mean intrahepatic HBV ccc DNA level was significantly lower in the cancerous tissues than in the contiguous noncancerous tissues(3.32 copies/cell vs. 9.64 copies/cell,P=0.029),while there was no significant difference in the median levels of intrahepatic HBV total DNA and pg RNA between the cancerous tissues and the contiguous noncancerous tissues(HBV total DNA:16.94 copies/cell vs. 12.18 copies/cell,P=0.325;pg RNA:75.54 copies/cell vs. 22.46 copies/cell,P=0.128). GA mutation was the main mutation pattern for pre C/C and X gene regions. The dinucleotide context of the G-to-A mutation in pre C/C and X gene regions showed preferred editing in the 5'Gp A,accounting for 37.1% and 40% in cancerous. Finally,the levels of intrahepatic HBV ccc DNA in cancerous tissues decreased with APE1 treatment(1 011 copies/μl vs. 501.8 copies/μl,P=0.058),indicating HBV ccc DNA in the cancerous tissues contains AP site. Conclusion:The intrahepatic HBV ccc DNA level is lower in the cancerous tissues than in contiguous noncancerous tissues,which maybe associated with high mutations of G-A and AP site.
Journal of Chongqing Medical University
重庆市科委自然科学基金资助项目(编号:cstc2014jcyj A10075)
hepatitis B virus
hepatocellular carcinoma
HBV covalently closed circular DNA(HBV cccDNA)