
听障者与健听者视觉能力的比较研究述评 被引量:5

A Comparison of the Visual Ability of Hearing-Impaired and Normal-Hearing Individuals
摘要 后天丧失听力后,听障者的视觉能力是否有所提高,进而补偿所失去的听觉功能?这一问题可以通过对比听障者与健听者的视觉能力找到答案。当前的研究显示,与健听者相比,听障者的视觉能力有所提高,但仅限外周刺激识别,以及外周移动刺激检测等与注意相关的任务。这说明感觉代偿是存在的,但是选择性的代偿,而非全面的。 A comparative study of the visual ability from hearing-impaired and normal-hearing individuals is likely to help answer the question of whether hearing-impaired individuals have a better eyesight than normalhearing individuals due to certain sensory compensation. The existing research reveals that compared with normalheating individuals, hearing-impaired individuals have their eyesight improved, but it is merely limited to tasks related to attention, such as peripheral stimulus discrimination, and peripheral motion stimulus detection. In conclusion, selective sensory compensation exisits in hearing-impaired individuals.
出处 《中国特殊教育》 CSSCI 北大核心 2016年第6期26-31,共6页 Chinese Journal of Special Education
基金 安徽省2016年高校优秀青年人才支持计划重点项目(项目编号:gxyq ZD2016106)
关键词 听障 视觉能力 空间注意 感觉代偿 hearing impairment visual ability spatial attention sensory compensation
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