

The Effects of Language Proficiency on L2 Vocabulary Acquisition——A Case Study of Task-Based Classroom Interaction Activities
摘要 相对于意义聚焦中的词汇附带习得研究,本文从形式聚焦理论出发,调查了课堂交互环境下的二语水平对即时词汇习得的效果。通过对高、中、低三个不同语言水平组之间的即时词汇习得效果进行比较,本研究发现,在课堂交互活动中,不同语言水平的学习者均可以习得一定量的词汇;虽然语言水平对词汇习得有一定的促进作用,但是语言水平与即时词汇习得之间并不存在一致的正相关关系。本研究以基于任务的课堂交互活动为例,在形式和意义相结合的环境中进行,研究方法和研究发现丰富和发展了现有词汇学习研究,对教学实践有一定的借鉴作用。 In contrast to research into L2 incidental vocabulary acquisition in Meaning-Focused Instruction, this study investigates the immediate effects of L2 proficiency on vocabulary acquisition in task-based classroom interaction activities in Form-Focused Instruction. After comparing the immediate vocabulary learning effects of learners at 3 different language proficiency levels(high, intermediate and low), it is found that in task-based classroom interaction activities, learners from three different proficiency levels could acquire some vocabulary. The effect is not consistently positive, though language proficiency has exerted some influence on vocabulary learning. As a case study of task-based classroom interaction activities implemented in Form-focused instruction, this study helps to develop and enrich the existing research on vocabulary learning as far as its research methods and findings are concerned, thus it can be of help for vocabulary teaching in practice.
出处 《大学英语教学与研究》 2016年第3期43-46,共4页 College English Teaching & Research
基金 甘肃省社科联2015-2016年甘肃省高等院校英语教学改革研究项目"形式聚焦对二语词汇习得的影响研究"[GSKB2015-15-9]阶段性成果
关键词 语言水平 词汇习得 二语 课堂交互活动 language proficiency vocabulary learning second language classroom interaction activities
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