
AACR2 vs.RDA——音乐作品统一题名比较研究

Comparison of Musical Works Uniform Titles in AACR2 and RDA
摘要 以音乐作品为例,比较研究统一题名从AACR2到RDA的变化与发展。通过术语、缩写、表演媒介、数字标识等多方面对比分析,认为统一题名的理念和原则在RDA中得以深入发展。RDA所规定的音乐作品统一题名表达更加具体、限制更少、范围更广、也更加明确。 This article makes a comparative study on change and development of uniform titles from AACR2 to RDA in music works.Through many aspects of comparative analysis, such as terminology, abbreviations, medium of performance, numeric designation, it is found that the concept and principle of uniform titles get deepening and development in RDA. Musical Works Uniform Titles as described in the RDA are more specific with less restrictions, broader and clearer.
作者 王宁宁
出处 《图书馆理论与实践》 CSSCI 北大核心 2016年第5期71-74,共4页 Library Theory and Practice
关键词 AACR2 RDA 统一题名 音乐作品 AACR2 RDA Uniform Titles Musical Works
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