

The Outline of a Substantive Theory of Truth
摘要 真是实质性质,说一个语句是真的意味着说出比这个语句本身更多的内容。实质真理论借鉴弗雷格的涵义确定指称原则以及塔斯基关于对象语言和元语言的区分,避免了多元真理论在统一性和多样性、局部性和全局性之间的纠结。实质真理论包括建构真理论和分层真理论。建构真理论由三个论题构成:根据社会历史因果描述论确定名称的指称;把语境原则与组合性原则结合起来确定语句的意义;实质真理建立在有经验内容的语义知识的基础上。分层真理论亦由三个论题构成:理论和模型之间的关系是理论和理论之间的关系;理论与理论之间的关系呈现出等级层次;理论与实在通过多种方式关联起来,实质真理表现为实用真理、迂回真理和实验真理。 Truth is a substantive property. To say that a sentence is true is to say more than justthe sentence itself. The substantive theory of truth not only draws on Frege's principle that sense de-termines referent and Tarski's distinction between object- language and meta- language, but alsoavoids conflicts between unity and diversity as well as between locality and globality in contemporarypluralist theories of truth. The substantive theory of truth includes constructive theory of truth and hi-erarchical theory of truth. The constructive theory of truth has three theses: the reference of name isdetermined in terms of social-historical causal descriptivism; the meaning of sentence is determinedin terms of compositionality combined with context principle; substantive truths are based on semanticknowledge with experiential contents. The hierarchical theory of truth also has three theses: the rela-tion between theory and model is that between theories; the series of theories has a hierarchical struc-ture; theories are related to reality in different ways, and substantive truths present as pragmatictruths, detour truths and experimental truths.
作者 刘靖贤 陈波
出处 《中国高校社会科学》 CSSCI 北大核心 2016年第4期61-77,158,共17页 Social Sciences in Chinese Higher Education Institutions
基金 国家社科基金重点项目“描述论和直接指称论之争--回顾、批判与建构”(12AZX008)和国家社科基金青年项目“弗雷格哲学著作编译研究”(15CZX035)阶段性成果
关键词 实质真理论 建构真理论 分层真理论 substantive theory of truth constructive theory of truth hierarchical theory of truth
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